Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 4, 2014

HOW-TO: things after fresh Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop installation as a computing server.

Hi all,
After installing Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop, you should install some packages which is very useful in long term. All of these tips, I collect from Internet. It's totally up to purpose of your machine. My machine is up to running experiments, workstation usages, not for entertainments.
1. If you occasionally build applications from source or make your own deb files, here are some basic packages you should install:

sudo apt-get install build-essential automake make checkinstall dpatch patchutils autotools-dev debhelper quilt fakeroot xutils lintian cmake dh-make libtool autoconf git git-core subversion bzr

2. I install Ubuntu on a workstation as a server. At home or office, you have a personal Windows machine. So, remote desktop logging into Linux workstation from a Windows computer is very important. I recommend you use X11rdp, because you can copy text or files between Windows and Linux computers. Other remote desktop protocols such as VNC don't have this feature. This feature is very useful for developments latter.

3. SSH connection.
If you are a fan of terminal and SSH, you should set up a SSH server on your workstation. Then, it is vital for a connection from Linux machine to a Linux machine w/o using remote desktop logging.

4. If you have a GPU, setting up NVIDIA driver and CUDA development kit are enlightened.

5. Sharing is important. Samba is the most useful way to share files between Linux and Linux machine. It is also compatible with Windows machine.
sudo apt-get install samba.