Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 7, 2013

LD_LIBRARY_PATH all you need to know.

Hi all,
I have spent countless hour when trying to compile the C/C++ code in Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) using GCC or G++ compiler. I met a bunch of errors and then I figured out in Ubuntu the options -I -L and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are quite important. I read README and do exactly the same but still met the errors. Consequently, it is going to save your time if you understand a little bit about -I option, -L options and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
-I (Include) specifies the directories of included headers file needed to compile your code, for example, the #include <xxx.h>
- L (Library) specifies the directories of shared libraries or static libraries for linking. It is used with -l (not number but an alphabet) options to specify the lib name. For example, a library is or libxxx.a would have -l option as -lxxx.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (LinkDynamic Library Path -- I guess :-D) specifies the directories of shared libraries for linker during the run-time [2]. Also, it is used at the link-time, when linker looks for libraries and resolve external symbols in these directories. The problems are raised because of LD_LIBRARY_PATH since the directories at the link-time and run-time are different [3]. Some issues relate to incompatible versions of required libraries.
Refer to the links bellow for hands-on errors and solutions:
* The difference between -I and -L options:
* The difference between LD_LIBRARY_PATH and -L at the run-time:
* Why the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is bad?

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